Grant Writing & Concept Note Creation

Description of Grant Writing:

Through my various projects over the years, I have written various grant applications totaling $448,000. These include:

  • Citizen Engagement Seed Fund - by the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (Singapore) for the development of a placemaking initiative to activate unused spaces to nurture more citizen changemakers

  • SG Strong Fund - by the Majurity Trust (Singapore) to run workshops that gather citizens with multi-sector stakeholders to pilot innovative solutions that improve digital inclusion for low-income families living in public rental flats, as part of the Digital Inclusion Listening Living Labs.

  • US Embassy Alumni Community Project Fund - by the US Embassy (Singapore) to support 3 multi-sector teams with prototyping their ideas to improve the lives of migrant workers, as part of the Migrant Workers Listening Living Labs.

  • TRIE Neighborhood Lead Grant - by the New York Civic Engagement Commission (USA) to run a series of idea generation workshops in support of the citywide Participatory Budgeting Process and voter engagement deliverables to increase voter turnout for the City Council Elections of 2023.

Description of Concept Note Production:

I have also written concept notes to support non-profits who wish to study the feasibility of starting new programs before committing a large amount of time and money to it. Here is a link to two samples of concept notes I have written in the past:


2017 - Present


Grant Writing & Concept Note Creation


A Good Pitch


Polytechnic Forum 2021